Mac miller blue slide park interview
Mac miller blue slide park interview

mac miller blue slide park interview

I can’t imagine not waking up sometimes and being like, ‘I don’t feel like doing shit.’ And then having days where you wake up and you feel on top of the world.” I want to be able to have good days and bad days. “I really wouldn’t want just happiness,” he replied, when asked about how he manages hurt feelings and negativity. 6, 2018:ĭepression was at the top of Miller's mind in his latest interview with Vulture, which was conducted the week of Aug. "Tell myself to hold on/I can feel my fingers slipping/In a motherfucking instant I’ll be gone.” Sept. In "Small Worlds," in which Miller mused that that he "don't want to grow old, so I smoke just in case," he also rapped about how close he was to being "gone." "You never told me being rich was so lonely/Nobody know me, oh well/Hard to complain from this five star hotel," he said. It wasn't just in music, but I definitely was going through a drug problem and I think it was more my state of mind. One month later, Miller told Larry King that his depression and drug use were intertwined. and releasing two more albums after Blue Slide Park.


I can look in the mirror and be like, 'I look OK.'" September 2015: Mac Miller opens up about his romantic new album, Ariana Grande, and the love story he’s been chasing his entire life. "I’m not 100 percent clean, but I’m not a piece of shit anymore. Go out there and do it, stop hiding,' because that was me before," he shared. You’ve got to look in the mirror and tell yourself to stop being a little bitch: 'OK, dude, you’re 23 and this is your f**king life. This is my life, I enjoy it, and it’s OK that I enjoy it. But once you just breathe and relax, you come to terms with it. "I was afraid of what my life had become. He still smoked cigarettes, but said his drug use was "way better" than it was. The rapper said at the time that he was "way healthier," but not sober. 'Grand Finale' was supposed to be the last song I made on earth. "It just eats at your mind, doing drugs every single day, every second.

mac miller blue slide park interview

Image courtesy of Mac Miller’s Official website haveagoodam.Miller said he was worried about dying, because he was "doing a lot of drugs" - which he had tried to keep more under control. No, he’s not winning any accolades for this album and you probably won’t hear any of these songs blasting at the club, but there’s an infectious quality to it anyway that can only come from an artist enjoying life and the music that comes from that space.

mac miller blue slide park interview

However, those critiques seem to miss the theme of this album. There are plenty of gripes to be had such as the excessive length of this album at 17 songs running an hour and ten minutes, the repetitive flow of all his lines and the lack of much substance in the lyrics. That’s the same way Go:od AM is and why it’s his best release since that debut. There was nothing remarkable about that album but it was fun and you could jam to it. His 2011 breakthrough album Blue Slide Park had that spontaneous feeling to it. He moved away from that for a while but this album has him back to form. He began working on what would be his debut studio album ‘Blue Slide Park’ and remembered the attitudes towards his work at the time in an interview: ‘Oh, Mac Miller is just some Internet White kid. The new life philosophy of Miller is “ain’t nothin’ wrong with a little bit of fun,” which he repeats on the following track “Two Matches.” People gravitated to his old-school style approach to hip-hop because it sounded spontaneous and fun. After graduating (just), Miller was able to throw all of his energy behind his music, gaining a following on social media. “The world don’t give a f–k about your loneliness,” he raps on “Rush Hour,” which precisely sums up how he and a lot of fans view some of his previous work. He’s back to having fun in life and translating it to his music. 19:44 Mac Miller Interview (Talks AAP Rocky. Miller openly admitted that he used promethazine and cocaine in the years after his chart-topping debut album, Blue Slide Park, but in an interview with Rolling Stone last month, he insisted his. He’s more sober now (he still smokes cigarettes and parties, but he’s no longer pulling three-night bingers), according to an interview with Billboard, and it shows a lot on his new album Go:od AM. 6:28 Frick Park Market - Mac Miller Blue Slide Park NEW 2011 JamesIsTheRealKing69 359. everything from Blue Slide Park, K.I.D.S., to all the way through Divine Feminine to Swimming to Circles to everything. While that kind of intake produced some raw, depressing music on his last album Faces, it’s also just not a good style for Miller’s brand of music or for his personal health. Ariana Grande Opens Up About Mac Miller and His Music in a Rare Interview.

mac miller blue slide park interview

It’s good to see Mac Miller having fun again.Ī year ago, he was on a dangerous path consuming far too many drugs including cocaine, codeine cough syrup, and even angel dust.

Mac miller blue slide park interview